Today is Monday, 31/03/2025
Corefields Ltd is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office in the United Kingdom, registration number: Z1404320
Corefields Ltd does not hold data on its own behalf, but it a data processor on behalf of its clients. It does not sell, loan or share data in any form to any other organisation and only processes it on behalf of the discrete client that owns the data.
Data is stored either on its private local server for initial processing, or on a public server when connected to a live website. The private local server is inaccessible by the public and is password protected; the webserver is hosted in a UK data centre and is both password protected as a server, with additional password protection for each individual set of data. The hosting is within the UK (and EEA) and covered by the hosting comany's own data protection policy.
Corefields Ltd verifies that all data, including the external hosting of the data, is securely held and compliant with GDPR.